Parents are aware of the physical benefits of doing regular exercise. So children are encouraged to play outdoor games and are given sports coaching. What most of us do not know is the crucial role it plays in the development of the brain. Walking, swimming, running and playing games can make your child sharper, healthier and happier.
Many studies have been conducted around the world which point out the various benefits of exercise on children’s brain development.
1. “Better thinking skills”
Physical activities boost the blood flow all over the body including the brain. As a result, children become mentally sharper and get better grades at school.
2. “Increased confidence”
Children who are athletes are more confident which may be reflected in their academic performance as well. Their whole demeanour changes with respect to their self-esteem.
3. “Better moods”
Physical activity releases brain chemicals that are natural stress busters. So the children are generally happier and have fewer mood swings.
4. “Better sleep”
Children who do regular exercise fall asleep faster. They also sleep for longer durations which improve their memory, judgement and mood.
Children who are interested in sports will naturally gravitate towards the playground. As parents, all you need to do is encourage them. But if your child does not express much interest in doing physical exercises, here are some tips to help them.
5. “Keep aside one hour a day”
Your child need not stay on the basketball court or football field for hours together to feel the difference. An hour of moderate (walking) to vigorous (running, cycling or aerobic dancing) activities can also have the desired effect on the brain. You may even help the child to split this hour of physical activities over the course of the day.
6.”Break up the day with physical activities”
Children prefer to play outdoors soon after returning from school. This gives them the time to rejuvenate before moving into the homework session. Short bursts of exercise re-energise them. Encourage them to do jumping jacks or skipping the rope every 30-minutes or so. Within a few minutes, they will feel refreshed and ready to do the rest of the tasks.
7. “Involve the whole family”
Practice what you preach. You should be your child’s source of motivation. Develop the habit of taking weekend trekking or walking trips with your whole family. When physical activities are part of the family’s routine, it becomes a binding factor. At the end of the day, the whole family will have good health, both physical and mental.
Never too early to start!
A good habit of physical activity lasts a lifetime. Exercising increases the heart rate which pumps more oxygen to the brain and releases a plethora of hormones that contributes to the growth of brain cells. Keeping this in mind, Winmore Academy, one of the top CBSE schools in Bangalore, has incorporated sports as a vital part of the curriculum. There are multiple sports infrastructure to keep our students physically and mentally fit. As always, a strong body always works best with a strong mind.
“Some are born strong and others are made strong” – J. R. Rim
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