Admissions open for Academic session - starting June 2024-25. Click here to apply online

How much Homework is too much?

While it is essential to reinforce classroom learning, handing out insurmountable homework does not ensure that the students gain more knowledge. Even though it has numerous advantages, it is high time that educators ask “How much is too much?” A primary activity in the school checklist, homework cannot be discarded completely but the amount of…

World Wide Web, a Blessing in Disguise?

Winmore Academy

Education holds a special stature in the social structure. This is one medium, which forms a strong foundation for its recipients for a brighter future. Hence, every dimension related to education has always been a subject of great interest for experts. While some of us may have extreme views related to having a role of…

Tell Us a Tale

“If you want your children to be intelligent read them stories, if you want them to be more intelligent read them more stories” What better way than stories to capture the mind of a young learner? Stories have a kind of magic that lasts with the listener, long after the facts have faded. Learning through…

From Gurukuls to Podcasts

Winmore Academy

Change is a constant that is inevitable when it comes to all things material and mankind has always been responsive to change over the centuries. Thus, it does not come as a surprise that evolutionary changes have seeped into the education sector as well. India has been a boiling pot for differential learning methodologies; let…

The Essence of Parent Engagement in the New Age Education System

One of the major stakeholders in the school community, their active involvement in the academic endeavours of their child has a profound impact. In the new age education system, parents and teachers are not mere acquaintances, but a team that constantly strives for the betterment of the child. “Children must be taught how to think,…
