Admissions open for Academic session - starting June 2024-25. Click here to apply online

Ways to Help Your Child Handle Disappointments


When you see your child sulking after his team loses a game or pouting at the gift he just received, you instantly recognise it as clear disappointment. Parents hate to see their children weighed down by sadness and would go any length to relieve them of their distress. While disappointment is an undesirable emotion, it…

Concentration Problems in Children: 5 Major Causes

concentration problems in children

Getting a child to sit down and focus is not an easy task. Parents struggle with children when they get distracted easily, fidget a lot, constantly lose things and keep things unorganized. It worries them when they do not follow instructions and has trouble with school work and maintaining friendships. During situations like these, it…

Zoo Visits Can Benefit Your Child

benefits of zoo visits for your children

Children love to watch animals outside of their storybooks and cartoons. A trip to the zoo is a chance to give life to their imagination and build an emotional connection with animals. Their eyes light up in amusement every time they see the “King of the Jungle” prancing around, giraffes reaching up for higher branches…

How To Talk To A Child About Sexual Abuse

Talking to your child about sexual abuse

Parents teach kids to look both ways before crossing the road and to be careful with sharp objects. More often than not, they are not given awareness about their body and physical abuse. We try to protect our children by not leaving them with strangers and accompanying them everywhere. But the fact remains that children…

Benefits of Maths: Surprising Ways It Helps Kids

how maths benefits your child’s life

From sunflowers, rainbows, and honeycombs to human features, shadows and galaxies, nature is full of mathematical patterns. Though we are born with a curiosity for learning, the ability to do mathematics is not inborn. That kind of development happens with exposure, experiences, and the knowledge of fundamentals. For example, young children learn symmetry while playing…

Fun Things to Do during Summer Vacations

Fun Things to Do during Summer Vacations

Children look forward to summer vacations like their tickets to freedom. They don’t have to wake up early, follow a schedule; do school assignments or study for the next day’s tests. Relaxing during summer break is important as it allows children to recharge for the upcoming academic year. It is the best time to follow…

Ways to Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums

Does your child throw a tantrum every time you deny them fast food? Does she stomp her foot and scream at the top of her voice whenever she doesn’t get her way? This is a common scenario happening in most homes. At this point, parents usually give in because they are at a loss for…

Easy Ways to Teach Kids Time Management Skills

It takes children a while to build a sense of time. When they do, you should step in to teach the key skills of planning and prioritising. Here is how you can help your child with time management skills:

Children live in the present. For them, it is the question of doing it now or never. That is why you notice things being misplaced, tasks unfinished and not having enough time for anything. An obvious reaction to this scenario is both the child and the parent chanting “No Time! No Time!” in sheer frustration….
