Admissions open for Academic session - starting June 2024-25. Click here to apply online

5 Ways To Make Your Child More Organised

At the beginning of the school year, every student is super organised. From waking up on time to arranging books according to the timetable, they need minimal prompt from you to do their work. But as days pass, disorganization and chaos creep in little by little and soon you find…

5 Things Not To Say To Your Child

Parenting, undoubtedly, is a difficult job. Being a parent comes with the additional responsibility of choosing the right words. Children tend to take everything literally and the words you utter can have a bigger impact on building their personality. Unfortunately, every offhand remark that comes out of a heated moment…

Eight Superfoods To Power Your Child’s Immunity

Parents could be doing everything right for their children – from feeding them balanced diet, washing hands regularly to ensuring that they get enough sleep – and yet, the little ones fall easy prey to infectious diseases. Fortunately, there are certain foods that contain immune-boosting properties that can ward off…

How To Stop Sibling Rivalry And Improve Bonding

“I got two toys, but you got only one”, can be the beginning of a long argument followed by a fight. Parents of more than one child will relate to this scenario, who spend more than half of their time separating unhappy children. Sibling rivalry is a type of competition…

How To Raise A Socially Intelligent Child

Living in a complicated social world, all of us wish to be accepted and approved by others. Raising a socially intelligent child in today’s times is not easy. Things are even more difficult for our children who are introduced to the media before they are emotionally ready. They might not…

Engaging Ways To Tell A Story To Your Child

For centuries, people have narrated stories as a way of exploring ideas and making sense of their thoughts. While there are plenty of stories that are passed down through generations, there are many others that we create ourselves. We grew up listening to stories narrated by our own parents or…

Ways To Handle Bad Behaviour In Children

Irrespective of how much attention you give in raising your children well, child’s bad behaviour can manifest in them when you least expect it. There are certain child behaviour problems that are common and bound to appear at one point or another. Sometimes parents are tempted to overlook children’s bad behaviour, but if not intervened,…
