Admissions open for Academic session - starting June 2024-25. Click here to apply online

Five Tips To Encourage Honesty In Children

Let’s be honest – all of us lie. We do so either to avoid hurting another person’s feelings, avoid getting into trouble or to make ourselves look better. At the same time, we want our children to be honest. Research says that children as early as two and a half…

Ways To Raise Environmentally-Conscious Children

“The nature and environment is only for today”, said no parent ever. A healthy environment with clean air and water, green spaces devoid of plastic, is an indicator of people’s quality of life. As someone who is doing their part in conserving nature and ensuring it is sustained for future…

Are you an Authoritative Parent?

If you wish to strike a perfect balance between being a disciplinarian and a pushover, authoritarian parenting may be the way for you. Or, if you are a warm and friendly parent who respects your child’s individuality, you are already an authoritative parent. It is highly likely that the child…

How To Raise Health-Conscious Children

A shocking report reveals that by 2030, India will have the prevalence of approximately 10.81% childhood obesity among 5-9 year age group, and around 6.23% occurrence of obesity among teenagers in the age group of 10-19 years. Two important questions need to be raised here – who is responsible for…

Best Ways To Appreciate Your Child

Who doesn’t like to be appreciated? In fact, a genuine praise can make your day. So will your little one’s. It goes the other way around as well. Wrong choice of words can negatively impact their behaviour. Too much of appreciation can also make them indifferent, demanding and entitled. The…

Become Your Child’s Best Friend

When you hear a parent saying, “I didn’t know she could do that” or “I wonder when he started having this interest”, chances are they haven’t understood their child enough. Does this mean that they do not have a friendship? Is it possible for parents to be friends with their…

Teaching young children about consent

The first lesson in safety for children is distinguishing “good touch” from “bad touch”. The second one, as demanded by the ways of today’s world, is the lesson on consent. Children understand it better when we say, “asking for permission”. Consent is the choice that one makes about touching or…

Helping Our Daughters Stand Tall

Winmore Academy
Even as media influencers trend #Girlpower and #Selflove, society at large is inadvertently causing young girls to grow up with insecurities and self-doubt. With images of impossibly thin women being circulated across the internet and tabloids, raising girls with confidence and high esteem can be daunting. While girls have consistently…